Welcome to Microbiots

Welcome to Microbiots' official website. We are currently in the process of synthesizing our prototype robots. These Micro(scale) Bio(logical) (Rob)ots....
Why Micro-Robots?
Imagine being able to clean out clogged arteries, detect and destroy cancer cells, and repair damaged nerve cells, all without performing open surgery. Micro-robots are capable of making this future a reality.
The Microbiot Project
Through the creation of Microbiots, we endeavor raise general awareness and enthusiasm about micro-robots and their possible future applications. In addition, we aim to gain funding to build medical micro-robots.
Microbiotic Pets!?
Have you ever wanted a pet, but not had the room to keep it? Or you didn't want to deal with the mess that all pets guarantee? Or, perhaps has your third succulent in a row died, AGAIN? We introduce Microbiotic pets-- they're small enough that they barely take up any space, they're no-mess, hypoallergenic, and best of all they are disease resistant-- no need to worry about thousand dollar medical bills.
How YOU Can Make a Difference:
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