Magnetic component of microbiots. Fluorescent magnetic microparticles are encapsulated in a hydrogel sphere. Left: phase microscope image. Right: fluorescent image showing green fluorescent magnetic particles inside hydrogel.

We have worked out the conditions to manufacture the encapsulated magnetic component of the microbiots.  The spheres carry flourescent magnetic particles that glow green when stimulated with blue light and move in a magnetic field (video coming soon!).

Why fluorescent? Because when injected into a mouse, for example, their location can be visualized in  specially designed instruments.

They will be joined to the living (biotic) components of the microbiots in the next few days using DNA “glue.” Once we can routinely assemble the barebones microbiots, we will launch a crowdfunding effort right here on

“Micropets” are more complicated, they will come later: they are waiting patiently to be created, but hopefully not too patiently. Keep checking back for updates!